Client Hub


Welcome to Preece Accounting’s Client Hub

With the everchanging world of technology, it is imperative to find better solutions to manage our firm while ensuring that the needs of our clients are met efficiently and professionally. Our Client Hub portals provide just that.

The Virtual Cabinet Portal enables easy publishing, collaboration, distribution and signing of documents on your smartphone, tablet or desktop. Rest assured, the software uses bank-level encryption to ensure every file transmission is secure. This makes it even safer than via email, which has a lower level of security.

The Class Super Portal provides access to the cloud software we use for processing superannuation funds. You can have read-only access to your fund at any time to view a current snapshot of how your fund is performing.

To sign up to either of these portals, please contact us.

Virtual Cabinet Portal

The perfect place to manage and share documents
securely anywhere,

Sign In

Class Super Portal

Innovative SMSF software for fast and efficient administration of self-managed super funds and portfolios.

Sign In