Privacy Policy & Disclaimer
Privacy Policy
Privacy Statement
Preece Accounting has an obligation as your accounting practitioners to keep all client information given to us by you confidential. We believe this is a paramount obligation. As well, we have obligations under the Privacy Act, and we are committed to complying with those.
Collection, Use & Disclosure
Preece Accounting collects information from people for the primary purpose of providing assistance to them. Individuals telephone or write to Preece Accounting, and so may supply personal information. Preece Accounting will not use or disclose the information for another purpose unless that other purpose is related to the primary purpose where the individual would reasonably expect the organisation to use the information for the other purpose.
Data Quality & Security
Preece Accounting will take reasonable steps to ensure that all personal information collected, used or disclosed by the firm is accurate, complete and up to date. Persons are invited to advise Preece Accounting of any change to personal details. Preece Accounting will take reasonable steps to protect the personal information it holds from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access modification or disclosure.
Access & Correction
You may ask to see your own personal information and if the personal information held about you is not accurate, complete and up to date, Preece Accounting will take reasonable steps to correct the information, so that it becomes accurate, complete, and up to date. There will be no charge for a request for access, but a small fee will be charged for administrative costs etc. if a change is requested.
Sensitive Information
Preece Accounting may collect sensitive information relating to a person. It does so only where the person has provided the information and has consented.
We are committed to ensuring the privacy and security of your personal information.
Site Disclaimer
The information on this website has been prepared based on information available at the date of preparation. The information is general in nature and is not to be taken as a substitute for specific professional advice. We recommend that our advice be sought on specific issues before acting on transactions affected.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.